Friday, 26 October 2007

Zoe's impressions

Having never visited Africa before I was unsure of what to expect both in cultural terms and how the Parish of St. Matia Mulumba lived its faith. I could not have been made to feel more welcome. Fr. Stephen, Fr. Paul, George, the seminarian, the Sisters, the three schools, and the parishioners all opened their arms to us from the moment we arrived. I have never visited anywhere so far from home (geographically and materially) where I have felt so accepted so quickly, and by so many people. I was struck by Fr. Stephen's dedication to the parish, through worship, education and providing Irundu with a strong centre to practise their faith. It was clear that Fr. Stephen's faith impacted on all those around him. Despite Irundu being placed in a rural setting, there were three schools in the immediate vicinity which we visited. The children and parents, although living basically, were full of happiness and a sense of contentment, which I am sure is credited to their strong faith in God. A key moment of the visit to Irundu for me was our invitation to join a small christian community (similar to our own house groups at Worth). Although much of the gathering was spoken in Lusoga (the local language), we all contributed, and offered our petitions to God. For me, that gathering in a small hut with the members of the group, and the children peeking over the wall to listen, sharing our faith through reading and prayer, confirmed our friendship with the parish of Irundu. This visit, to meet our friends, has given me inspiration to fulfil my faith in new ways and has strengthened my belief.
Worth Parish can learn so much from Fr. Stephen and St. Matia Mulumba.

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