Monday, 8 October 2007

Update 8 October

We now have an excellent collection of photographs to take with us so that the Irundu parishioners can see our faces and also see a little bit of what Worth is like.
We have so far had photographs from the Curtises, the Rutherfords, the MacDonalds, the Stewarts, the Sanders family, the Bridgemans, the Fitzgeralds, the Doyles, the Yeates family, the Williamsons, the Kibbles, the Sharpes, the Hicklins, the McMenemy family and the Fitzsimons family. We have also got a photo of some very relaxed-looking monks (!) and some pictures of the Abbey church, including from Sunday mass.
We are also taking a lovely collage which parish children have made with guidance from Rosemarie Grisman, and a lot of sports kit donated by Worth School's suppliers.
After giving some thought to a suitable gift to mark our visit, we have offered the parish priest, Fr Stephen Mudoola, a solar panel (this is the technology currently used for producing electricity in the parish - only 3% of the Ugandan population have access to mains electricity and even then it is expensive and unreliable). He is installing this locally but we hope to see it (and 'give' it properly, for instance by blessing it) when we are there.


John Flint said...

George. Today I have read your Blog It sounds like hard work but very rewarding. The people sound great and I bet the music and dancing is magnificant. I pray that the rest of the trip is successful say Hi to Father James for me John

Anonymous said...

Following your adventures makes us homesick for Uganda! - we've shared much of what you've experienced over the years, and are so pleased to learn of the great welcome you've had. We're sorry Tim was away when yur arrived - hope you enjoy Sipi!

With our love

Priscilla and Robin